The Scope

The Scope

The program employees a five pronged approach to controlling your “real” and related costs of unemployment issues.


Private Sector

1) Review of the employer’s past experience

2) Review of rating factors

3) Checking to see if any transfers experience need to be made

4) Determining if any advantageous jointing accounting is possible

5) Determining if rate calculation took into account any outstanding benefit charge credits

6) Review of annual rate calculations

Public Sector

1) Review of Benefit Charge Billing

2) Annual recommendations on compliance options

3) Sample Summer Recess letters provided

Training & Information:

a) Review of and recommendations on record keeping and personnel forms used

b) Training sessions for supervisors on U.I. and related labor/personnel matters

Claims Processing :

a) Assistance in the wording of U.I. claims responses

b) Follow-up with agency to reinforcement client’s position

c) Review of all determinations

d) Protest of all contestable determinations

Hearings Representation:

a) Preparation of employer’s case taking into consideration all collateral matters

b) Representation at all U.I. administrative hearings

c) Review of all U.I. administrative decision

d) The timely appeal of all unfavorable contestable U.I. administrative decisions

e) Preparation and submission of all appeal arguments

f) Representation at all administrative appellate level hearings

g) Review of all administrative appellate level decisions and recommendations for further appeals, if unfavorable

Benefit Liability Review

a) Review of all notices of benefits charged

b) Protest of any improper benefits charges

c) Protest of benefits paid to individuals refusing employment.